As suggested by Prashant Jaiswal, here, you can find most of the eBay India voucher codes updated regularly here. It has some working and non-working eBay voucher codes which comes with the discount of 5%, 10%, 50% and above, etc. Some are reliable voucher codes and some are non-reliable as discussed there. You can try these voucher codes and can even rate them according to their success rates. Some come with pre-condition and some don't and hence use them with care before trying. I guess most of these voucher codes are shared by users themselves and hence cannot be taken it for granted and also since these are not provided by eBay themselves.
These eBay voucher codes got into prominence and famous in India after the eBay's stint of giving away a free voucher code worth Rs. 250, which I have shared here previously. I hope eBay India will come up with more such amazing offer in the very near future or at least an offer which is very similar to that.
If you wish to receive more such offers and deals daily delivered in your email, you can actually subscribe to this blog via email or through a blog reader.
The site is not opening. Probably its down.
Free 250 Rs gift voucher from Indiaplaza!!
Here is a similar offer from trip adviser what they offered 2 months ago with Indiatimes shopping. this time its with Indiaplaza. I used it at the time od indiatimes offer and it was good of getting 750 rs items @just 500 Rs using this voucher by writing 4-5 lines review on trip adviser.
Here is the link of new offer
Its also almost the same offer that u shared earlier in this post of offers galore
Just the change is this time tripadviser chose indiaplaza as partner
Its also almost the same offer that u shared earlier in this post of offers galore
Just the change is this time tripadviser chose indiaplaza as partner
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