November 9, 2009

Tum Mile Movie Contest at AOL India

Here is another movie contest from AOL India and this time it is for the movie Tum Mile starring Emraan and Soha. Just like previous contests you will need to answer three simple questions based on the movie Tum Mile and as an add-on you will need to enter any of your own experience with being stuck in any natural calamity and this is optional anyhow.

Just answer the following three questions to win the movie’s audio CDs and also get a chance to meet any of the start acting in Tum Mile.
1) The film is based on which event that created havoc in Mumbai?
2) In the film Emraan and Soha play
3) Tum Mile is directed by
4) Share your own experience, where you got stuck in any of the natural calamity (if any)
The answer can be found by browsing through the movie home page at AOL India. After entering your answer you will need to enter your personal details to complete the contest.

You can find more details about this offer at AOL.

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