If you are living in the following cities: Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Goa, Pune, Nagpur, Nasik, Jaipur, Aurangabad, Rajkot, Madurai, Mysore, Udaipur, Trichy, Adhmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Sura, Lucknow, Indore, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Vishakapatnam, Coimbatore then you can avail free taxi ride when you next plan to book a taxi to travel in your city. This offer is from Ola Cabs. As they are offering Rs. 100 worth of Ola Money which you can use to book Ola Cab in your city. All you have to do is to register with them using the given below referral code (0BVCE5) to sign up.
How to Avail
- Visit Ola Cabs Mobile App to download their app and follow the same instructions.
- And register there for free
- Enter your email id, name, phone number, password
- Click on the option that says "I've a referral code to redeem".
- Enter this code: 0BVCE5 there.
- You will get an SMS confirmation code, enter that and confirm your mobile number.
This offer is also available in their app. The above offer is also valid when you download their Ola Apps from Google Play, Windows phone and Apple itunes and follow the above mentioned procedure. You account will be added Rs. 100 only if you use the above mentioned referral code, or else it will not be credited. Similarly you can start referring your friends using your own referral code to start earning Ola Money when they first book Ola Cab to travel.
Just remember that in order to redeem Rs. 100, you can only do it via online or via their app to book the taxi. Also remember that you will get the Rs. 100 credit only if you use the referral code or else you will not get it.
Don't forget to signup and travel soon, before this offer lapses!
Subscribe to receive offers by email and like us on Facebook.Just remember that in order to redeem Rs. 100, you can only do it via online or via their app to book the taxi. Also remember that you will get the Rs. 100 credit only if you use the referral code or else you will not get it.
Don't forget to signup and travel soon, before this offer lapses!
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