Here are a list of Foodpanda Coupons which you can use at their website/app to get discounts as mentioned below. Some coupons are valid only on App though. Some coupons can be availed on certain restaurants and not valid for all, etc.
Foodpanda Coupons and Deals
- Visit Foodpanda and use these coupons
- CDAGST - Flat Rs. 250 off on Rs. 500
- PANDA150 - Rs. 150 off on Rs. 400 only on the app
- GOAGPRO - Rs. 150 off on Rs. 450 for all users
Alternatively you can buy the Rs. 170 off on Rs. 300 food from Indiatimes Shopping. Buy this deal by paying Rs. 10 and get the coupon and use it at Foodpanda. You can buy as many coupons as you wish or can and use it as many times you can at Foodpanda. These coupons are valid till December 31, 2015.
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