Here I am after a long gap, due to many reader's request, starting on with the credit card offers.
HSBC to encourage their customers to opt for e-statements has launched an exclusive offer for their bank customers and credit card customers, where if you opt for e-statements you will be getting a free CFL bulb free.

HSBC is famous for its environmental friendly initiatives across the globe and has indeed taken it very seriously through various means and has its
own website on environment conservation which makes it extra special, since this is one issue almost every one of us tend to ignore and is soon becoming a great global threat.
To avail this offer, you need to have either the HSBC Bank account or HSBC Credit Cards. You should also be receiving their bank/credit card statements through regular postal mails every month or every quarter. If you have both these criteria, then you can easily avail this offer by opting for e-statements. But remember that if you opt for e-statements, you will not be receiving your regular postal statements at all.
To register for this offer, just logon to your HSBC Internet Banking and select the option "Request E-Statements/E-Advice" and opt for it. Once you do this, you will be opted in by them and will be receiving the E-statements henceforth. And within some days, you will be receiving your free CFL Bulb. If you don't have an Internet Banking Login or ID, you can create the same at their website
here. You can also register for this e-statements by calling your city's respective HSBC helpline number.
After registering for e-statements, you can see up to previous 6 months' statement at a time and can indeed download it for future reference.
CFL (Compact fluorescent lamp) bulb is also very environment friendly compared to the regular yellow bulbs. This you would have seen by a recent promotion by Greenpeace to ban the traditional bulb, which is supposed to be very against the environment. This CFL Bulb is also very energy efficient and hence the best option to use this even without this offer.
If you opt for this offer, you are actually helping the environment in two ways, since no paper statements will be delivered to you, you are actually saving trees and since you are getting the CFL bulb, you are again conserving the environment by not using the traditional bulb. Thus you are helping save this world doubly! You can know more on how you can conserve this environment
I have both HSBC Bank account and Credit Cards and have opted for e-statements both to at least contribute to the environment in my own way and you are getting rewarded for that too, which makes it even nicer and getting a satisfaction that you are doing something, although very small, to help save this planet for our future generation!
But one drawback in availing e-statements with credit cards would be that you tend to forget your due date sometimes since you might forget to login to your HSBC Internet Banking login on a given month and might end up paying penalties for non-payment or late payment. But to avoid this, HSBC would indeed send you a remainder email or SMS to download your statement every month, but on days when you did not get this remainder you will end up forgetting and hence might have to pay the late fee, etc. You can even also revert back to paper statement if you do wish to continue after some time too if you are keep on forgetting your payment due dates, etc with this option.
But still overall, I would say that this offer is good to opt for, simply for the reason of environment conservation and getting a free stuff for doing so!
You should opt for e-statement before February 29, 2008 to avail this offer. You can know more about this offer
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